Central Asian Treasures: An 8-Day Tour of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

Central Asian Treasures: An 8-Day Tour of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

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Tour Detail


Embark on an enlightening 8-day journey through Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. This immersive adventure takes you through the heart of Central Asia and promises to captivate history and culture enthusiasts, offering a deep dive into these two Stan countries.

Highlights of the Trip

After flying into Tashkent and travelling to the ancient city and UNESCO World Heritage Site of Bukhara, this is where your voyage begins. Explore landmarks like the Lyabi Hauz Ensemble, Magoki Attari Mosque, Caravanserai Sayfuddin, Ark of Bukhara and the Kalon Mosque. Engage in local culture through pottery workshops and traditional crafts like painting ceramics, suzani embroidery, and bread baking.

Samarkand beckons with its iconic Registan Square, Gur Emir Mausoleum, and Bibi-Khanym Mosque. Next, we cross into Tajikistan, where Penjikent reveals archaeological wonders and the Sarazm Important Bird Area. Discover the resplendent Seven Lakes in Maguzor and the picturesque Iskanderkul. In vibrant Khujand, explore bustling bazaars and historic sites.

Finally, return to Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s dynamic capital, for a final exploration, visiting landmarks such as the Chorsu Bazaar, Amir Timur Square, and the Opera House. This 8-day tour is ideal for travellers with a thirst for knowledge about the rich heritage of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. From ancient cities to traditional crafts, to stunning natural beauty, this journey promises to be a captivating exploration of these two beautiful Stan countries.

Destinations and the Landmarks / Sights to Visit



  • Lyabi Hauz Ensemble: A historic square with a serene pond, offering a peaceful retreat.
  • Magoki Attari Mosque: One of Central Asia’s oldest mosques, nestled in the heart of the old market.
  • Abdullakhan’s Tim: A mausoleum known for its distinctive blue dome, adding to Bukhara’s architectural allure.
  • Caravanserai Sayfuddin: A well-preserved ancient inn, reflecting the silk road legacy.
  • Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan Madrassas: These stand proudly with intricate tilework and Islamic architecture.
  • Poi Kalon Square: Home to the grand Kalon Mosque and Kalyan Minaret, exemplifying Bukhara’s rich heritage.
  • Mir Arab Madrassa: Exuding Islamic elegance and contributing to the city’s cultural landscape.
  • Ark Fortress: An ancient citadel encapsulating centuries of Bukhara’s history.


  • Gur Emir Mausoleum: A majestic mausoleum housing the tomb of Tamerlane, known for its stunning blue dome.
  • Registan Square: The heart of Samarkand, adorned with three grand madrassas showcasing intricate tilework.
  • Bibi Khanim Mosque: A monumental mosque with a rich history, constructed by Tamerlane in honour of his wife.
  • Shahi Zinda Necropolis: A breathtaking ensemble of mausoleums and tombs, offering a journey through Samarkand’s past.
  • Ulugbek’s Observatory: Founded by the renowned astronomer Ulugbek, it stands as a testament to medieval scientific advancements.



  • Sarazm Important Bird Area: A vital site for bird conservation, blending natural beauty with avian diversity.
  • Old Ruins of Penjikent: Ancient remnants of a Sogdian city, showcasing archaeological wonders and Silk Road history.


  • The Mazori Sharif Mausoleum: A sacred site honouring an Islamic saint, renowned for its spiritual significance.
  • Kog Gumbaz Madrasa: A historical madrasa showcasing Uzbekistan’s architectural and cultural heritage.
  • Kuhi Mug: A picturesque mountain offering stunning views and a serene escape.


  • Pushkin Square with Kamoli Khujand Square: Central squares featuring monuments and vibrant surroundings in Khujand.
  • Timur Malik’s Fortress: A fortress steeped in history, reflecting the region’s ancient military architecture.
  • Sugd Museum: A cultural repository preserving the heritage of the Sugd region.
  • Muslihiddin Memorial Complex: Commemorating a revered Islamic scholar, it is a site of historical importance.
  • Panjshanbe Bazaar (on Thursdays): A bustling market offering a kaleidoscope of colours and local goods.
  • Arbob Palace: A grand palace known for its architecture and cultural significance.



  • Amir Timur Square: A public space adorned with monuments and statues, capturing the essence of the city.
  • Theatre Square & Opera House: A cultural hub featuring theatres and artistic performances.
  • State Academic Theatre of Uzbekistan: A distinguished venue showcasing Uzbek performing arts.
  • Independence Square: A symbolic square reflecting the nation’s history and aspirations.
  • Earthquake Memorial: A monument commemorating the resilience of the city after a historic earthquake.
  • Khast Imam Square: A central square surrounded by significant religious landmarks.
  • Chorsu Bazaar: A vibrant market offering a sensory experience of Uzbekistan’s flavours and crafts.
  • Tashkent Metro: An underground network combining practical transportation with artistic metro stations.

Cultural Experiences & Activities of this Holiday

Pottery Workshop in Gijduvan: Explore the rich tradition of Gijduvan pottery with a hands-on workshop, followed by an optional masterclass to delve deeper into the artistry of this Uzbek ceramic class.

Ceramic Painting, Suzani Embroidery, or Traditional Bread Baking Workshops: In Gijduvan, immerse yourself in Uzbek culture through engaging workshops such as ceramic painting, suzani embroidery, and traditional bread making, offering a hands-on experience in the region’s artistic and culinary traditions.

Hike Around Marguzor, the Seven Lakes: Embark on a captivating hiking adventure around Marguzor, discovering the breathtaking beauty of the Seven Lakes nestled amidst the stunning landscapes of Tajikistan.

Local Cuisine and Traditional Dishes to try while in Bali

During this tour, numerous opportunities will arise for you to savour the authentic local cuisine, whether from the menus of included meals or from your own culinary exploration during your free time in the itinerary. In Uzbekistan, be sure to try “plov” (pilaf), “manti” (dumplings), and “lagman” (noodle soup). In Tajikistan, sample “osh” (plov), “shurbo” (soup), and “qurutob” (bread salad). These dishes offer a delicious exploration of Uzbek and Tajik cuisines.

Water-based Activities and Cruises

Boat rides on Ankhor Canal, Tashkent: Experience the charm of Tashkent with leisurely boat rides on Ankhor Canal, offering a tranquil escape in the heart of the city.

Ark Fortress Canal Boat Trip, Bukhara: Explore Bukhara’s historical Ark Fortress from the unique perspective with boat trips along its canal, immersing yourself in the rich cultural surroundings.

Leisurely Cruise on the Siab River, Samarkand: Indulge in a leisurely cruise on the Siab River, allowing you to appreciate the city’s enchanting views with a touch of tranquillity.

Boat Excursions on the Zaravshan River, Penjikent: Embark on a captivating boat excursion along the Zaravshan River, immersing yourself in the scenic beauty and cultural richness of the region.

Cruise on the Syr Darya River, Khujand: Enjoy a leisurely cruise on this serene river, discovering the tranquil landscapes and historical treasures that unfold along its picturesque banks.

Explore the beautiful Fergana Valley with a Boat Ride: Embark on a scenic boat ride, navigating the gentle waters amidst the scenic beauty of this historically rich region.

Accommodation of this Tour

Tashkent: 4* hotel in Tashkent

Bukhara: 4* hotel in Bukhara

Samarkand: 4* hotel in Samarkand

Penjikent: 4* hotel in Penjikent

Khujand: 4* hotel in Khujand

Tashkent: 4* hotel in Tashkent



Day 1: Tashkent Arrival

Upon arrival in the evening at Tashkent International Airport, migration formalities, such as visa/passport control and baggage claim, typically take between 30 minutes and an hour. Outside of the terminal, you will be met by a driver with a ‘ANUR TOUR’ sign. You will then be transferred to the hotel for some rest before settling in for the night.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

Day 2: Bukhara Flight, Bukhara City Tour

At 06:00, transfer to Tashkent Airport (internal lines/Terminal 3). Depart at 07:30 on flight Tashkent-Bukhara via HY 23, arriving at 08:40. Upon arrival in Bukhara, meet the driver outside the terminal and transfer to the hotel to drop off the bags. Check-in if the room is ready, and then meet the guide in the lobby. Start the walking sightseeing program in Bukhara, visiting Lyabi Hauz Ensemble (Nadir Divanbegi Madrassa, Khanaka, Kukeldash Madrassa, and the monument of Khodja Nasreddin). See the Magoki Attari Mosque, one of the oldest mosques in Bukhara, and Abdullakhan’s Tim with its numerous handicraft shops of souvenirs, ceramics, national clothes, and carpets. Stop by Caravanserai Sayfuddin, the Centre of Handicraft Development of Bukhara, and three trading domes or so-called covered bazaars (Toki Sarrofon, Toki Telpak Furushon, and Toki Zargaron) from the XVI century. Visit Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan Madrassas (Kosh Madrassas) opposite each other, Poi Kalon Square with Kalon Minaret and Mosque, Mir Arab Madrassa, and Ark Fortress, the oldest citadel dating back to I century BC. Enjoy some rest in the evening, and then spend the night at the hotel.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

✓ Breakfast

Day 3: Samarkand Transfer Via Gijduvan Pottery Workshop

Start your day with breakfast at the hotel, then enjoy free time in Bukhara. At 12:00, you’ll be transferred to Samarkand (270 km, about 4,5-5 hours’ drive). On the way, you will stop to visit the famous Gijduvan pottery workshop, where you can take a tour to observe the process of ceramic making and painting. The owners will demonstrate the stages of making ceramics from turning the potter’s wheel to making paints from natural ingredients, decorating the ceramics in a distinctive style, drying, and firing. After exploring the museum hall of ceramic masterpieces with its unique collection of the ceramic items of Gijduvan and other regions of Uzbekistan, you can even participate in a masterclass of painting ceramics, suzani embroidery, and traditional bread baking (by request). Continue to Samarkand and arrive in the afternoon. Check-in at the hotel and enjoy some rest in the evening. Overnight at the hotel.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

✓ Breakfast

Day 4: Samarkand City Tour

At 09:00 meet the guide and begin the sightseeing tour of Samarkand (6 hrs). Visit the Gur Emir Mausoleum – burial vault of Timur the Great and his descendants, adorned with gold ornaments and said to be one of the most important places in the world. Continue to Registan Square – the heart of Samarkand, a stunning example of Central Asian medieval architecture, made up of Ulughbek Madrassa, Madrassa Sherdor, and Madrassa Tilla Kori. Then, see the Bibi Khanim Mosque – the largest medieval building in the city, which was once one of the grandest mosques in the Islamic world. Move on to the Shahi Zinda Necropolis – a complex of Mausoleums surrounding an imaginary grave of a Muslim person called Saint Abbas ibn-Kussam, and lastly Ulugbek’s Observatory – one of the best astronomical centers in the medieval world, built by Ulugbek, a renowned scholar and astronomer. In the evening, there will be time to rest before spending the night at the hotel.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

✓ Breakfast

Day 5: Border Crossing Jartepa, Marguzor Seven Lakes Tour & Penjikent Transfer

Start your day with breakfast at the hotel. At 08:00, transfer to border post Jartepa. The border crossing usually takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. At the Tajikistan part of the border, meet your guide and driver. Transfer to Marguzor, the famous seven lakes – seven wonderful water mirrors filled with mountain riverside drops. The colours may vary from deep blue to indie colour ripples, depending on the sun’s position. Most of the lakes are too cold to swim in, even during the summer. These lakes belong to the Fann Mountains system. On the western edge of the Fan Mountains in the valley of the river Shing, you will find the seven lakes, six of which are dammed origin, in addition to the lake Hazorchashma. The lakes are all referred to as Marguzor, but each one has its own name: Nezhigon, Soybean, Gushor, Nofin, Hurdak, Marguzor, and Hazorchashma. The difference in level between the upper and lower lake is 692 meters. After a quick hike around the lakes, transfer to Penjikent. Start sightseeing in Penjikent, visiting the Sarazm Important Bird Area (UNESCO World Heritage) and the archaeological site of the ruins of old Penjikent – a walled inter-city (2500-years ago) that was a Sogdian trading city on the Silk Road. In the evening, take some time to rest before overnighting at the hotel.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

✓ Breakfast  ✓ Lunch

Day 6: Istaravshan Transfer Via Iskanderkul & Khudjand Transfer

After breakfast at the hotel, we will transfer to Istaravshan via Iskanderkul, located 78 km southwest from Khujand. Istaravshan is one of the oldest cities in Tajikistan, with a history that dates back more than 2500 years. It was originally founded by Cyrus the Great in 544 BC and served as a fort of the Achaemenid Empire, known by its ancient name, Cyropolis. Upon arrival in Istaravshan, we will take a sightseeing tour of the area, including the Mazori Sharif mausoleum, the Kog Gumbaz madrasa (built in the 16th century), and Kuhi Mug, the ruins of an ancient fortress. Afterwards, we will transfer to Khujand and check into our hotel for the evening. We can rest and relax until the morning. Overnight at the hotel.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

✓ Breakfast

Day 7: Khudjand City Tour, Uzbek Border Crossing & Tashkent Transfer

Start the day off with breakfast at the hotel before beginning your sightseeing tour of Khudjand at 09:00. Visit Pushkin Square with Kamoli Khudjandi Square, Timur Malik’s fortress and Sugd museum, the Muslihiddin memorial complex, Panjshanbe bazaar (a Thursday market with shops offering various goods and services, and one of the oldest in Tajikistan located on the Silk Road), and the Arbob palace (where the Tajik Soviet declared independence from the Soviet Union and the Tajik flag was chosen). Transfer to the border post Oybek at 15:00 and meet the driver on the Uzbek side of the border. Transfer to the hotel in Tashkent and enjoy some rest in the evening before spending the night at the hotel.

Accommodation at a 4 star hotel.

✓ Breakfast

Day 8: Tashkent City Tour & Departure Flight

At 10:00, meet the guide and driver to commence the sightseeing tour of Tashkent (5 hrs). The tour will include Amir Timur Square, which was founded in 1882 and renamed in 1994 to honour the great conqueror. Also, Theatre Square with the Opera House, State Academic Theatre of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, will be visited. Independence Square, Earthquake Memorial, Khast Imam Square, Chorsu bazaar, and Tashkent Metro will also be part of the tour. Finally, transfer to Tashkent International Airport and depart the city at 20:00 to conclude the tour.

✓ Breakfast



Price per person based on two-people group size: £1,630
– The price is subject to availability, based on twin or double room sharing
– Peak season surcharges may apply during local public holidays

Please note, this package is an example of our many exciting daily offers. We are happy to check up-to-date prices for the dates and times that suit you for your perfect package holiday, or to tailor or upgrade elements of any package. Please feel free to contact us at enquiry@asiara-holidays.com or call us on 01473 356 000.

Tour Summary

Tour Summary

Day 1: Arrive in Tashkent, transfer to hotel for overnight stay.

Day 2: Fly to Bukhara, explore historical sites including Lyabi Hauz Ensemble, Magoki Attari Mosque, and Ark Fortress.

Day 3: Transfer to Samarkand, visit Gijduvan Pottery Workshop en route.

Day 4: Tour Samarkand’s landmarks such as Gur Emir Mausoleum, Registan Square, and Ulugbek’s Observatory.

Day 5: Cross border to Tajikistan, visit Marguzor Seven Lakes and Penjikent archaeological site.

Day 6: Explore Istaravshan’s ancient sites and transfer to Khujand for overnight stay.

Day 7: Khudjand city tour, cross Uzbek border, transfer to Tashkent for overnight stay.

Day 8: Tashkent city tour, departure flight.



  1. What is the visa requirement for this tour, especially considering multiple border crossings?
    • Visa requirements vary depending on nationality and the countries visited. It’s essential to check the latest visa regulations and ensure all necessary visas are obtained before the tour begins.
  2. What level of physical fitness is required for activities like hiking around Marguzor Seven Lakes or exploring archaeological sites?
    • While most activities are suitable for participants with average fitness levels, some excursions involve walking and hiking. It’s advisable to be prepared for moderate physical activity and bring appropriate footwear and clothing.
  3. How are border crossings managed during the tour, particularly in terms of paperwork and transportation?
    • Border crossings are facilitated by experienced guides who assist with necessary paperwork and ensure smooth transitions. Transportation between border posts and accommodation locations is provided, ensuring convenience and comfort.
  4. Are meals included during the tour, especially during long travel days?
    • Breakfast is typically included throughout the tour, but lunch and dinner arrangements may vary depending on the day’s activities. Participants should check the tour details for meal inclusions and plan accordingly.
  5. What are the accommodation options during the tour, and are they centrally located for easy access to attractions?
    • Accommodations range from 4-star hotels to ensure comfort and convenience during the tour. Hotels are strategically located to provide easy access to key attractions and city centers, enhancing the overall travel experience.



Entrance Fees

Free Time

Guided Sightseeing

Iconic Landmarks and Attractions

Local Experiences

Meals as included in itinerary

Tour Guide


Unique Experiences


International Flights

Meals not mentioned in itinerary

Personal Expenses

Tips and Gratuities

Travel Insurance




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